The essentials to
a successful entrepreneurship

Building your business

Before you start your own business, you need to assess your values, passions and skills. You should also think about differentiating yourself from the competition.

Becoming an entrepreneur

Key elements for going from idea to achievement

Business plan

Business plan

A business plan should outline your competitive advantages, your commercial objectives, your marketing plan, etc.

Market research

Market research

Market research helps you assess the potential and feasibility of your business idea.

Bank account

Bank account

To manage their accounts efficiently, entrepreneurs should always keep their personal and business bank accounts separate.

Product information
Product information management

Product information

Product information management, the key to success

Do you want to increase your online sales? Consider providing complete, accurate and appealing information about your products. Using, the PIM solution helps you effectively manage your data across different markets, platforms and channels.

Product Information Management (PIM) allows you to organize, centralize, distribute and enrich information about your items across various digital touchpoints. It helps you design personalized and consistent shopping experiences.

The benefits of PIM

  • Speed up the time-to-market of your products
  • Improve the quality of product data
  • Increase customer loyalty and sales

Eliminating silos

To eliminate silos, you need to reinforce the feeling of belonging to the same entity.

Eliminating silos

Multi-channel distribution

Distribute identical content across several communication channels: social networks, Web, podcast, newsletter, etc.

Multi-channel distribution

Product reporting

Product reporting is an essential tool enabling entrepreneurs to optimise their sales strategies.

Product reporting

Powerful marketing

Infallible techniques for attracting and retaining customers

There are several strategies that can be used to convert your visitors into customers: natural referencing, paid referencing, emailing, social networking, content marketing and influencer marketing, more on

customer service

Offer a responsive customer service

Adapt your customer service by anticipating their requests.

loyalty programme

Set up a loyalty programme

A loyalty programme builds customer loyalty.

customer experience

Improve your customer experience

Set yourself apart from the competition and turn your customers into brand ambassadors.

International trade

Global opportunities to develop your business

To identify the most promising international markets, start by analysing your current market. Define your competitive edge and target complementary or competing markets. You also need to assess the growth potential of your target markets.

To do this, consider using economic, cultural, demographic and regulatory indicators. Another tip for developing your business internationally is to use tools such as the PESTEL model or the SWOT matrix, more on

Marketing and advertising

Strategies to get your business up and running



Storytelling conveys your message and captivates your audience. This art makes you a leader.

Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing

To boost your turnover, use inbound marketing, which is based on attracting, converting, satisfying and retaining customers.

Niche markets

Niche markets

The niche market meets a specific need. It should not be overloaded by the competition.